You might remember that Itsey was due to have puppies this week.
Well, I never posted that Itsey had what I guess would be a miscarriage. But, as the Vet explained it her body absorbed the fetus. She didn't feel good for about a week and then the tell tell signs of her being prego begin to go away. The Vet explained that we are lucky that she didn't get "real" sick.
It's good to have our roudy little puppy back and we will try the whole thing over again next time she is ready.
Poor Itsey.
Did she like her foster baby?
Sorry for her. Poor little thing. Take care Itsey.
I'm sure Itsey is happy to know she is in such good, caring hands. Itsey is one lucky pup to have a great family.
Oh poor thing...I hope she's feeling back to her old self now. She sure is cute...and itsey bitsey!
She looks so cute in that picture. Glad she is ok..
Oh, poor little gal. I'm glad she didn't get really sick. I wish I could have saved the money on my miscarriage by absorbing my baby!! :) I had to get a D&C in summer 2007, and it cost a pretty penny.
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