Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Cold Quick Trip

I had a regular check up today with my transplant team in Utah.
I had to leave home before 7am for my 10am appointment.
The temp was pretty chilly outside...
I knew when it had taken me over 1.5 hours and I was still not to the Utah border it was going to be a long trip.
Between ice on the roads and fog...my 75 mph trip was crawling at about 35 mph...uuuggghhh.
I called the Dr's office to let them know I would be a little late...
they were so cool...no really...
they said to be careful and if the roads were to bad to turn around and they would fit me in later in the week.
Thank goodness SLC was having a heat wave.

and the roads home were perfect!
The appointment went really well.
 My little heart is doing Awesome.
I do not have to go back until the end of January!


Lene said...

That drive bites...especially with bad weather.

Yay for your little heart doing so well! What's going to happen first: another appointment or a new grandbaby?

Stephanie Faris said...

Congrats! I'm new to your blog but wow, how amazing! A heart transplant? Just amazing.

Mindy H. said...

I am so glad that you and your heart and taking such good care of eachother. And I am extra glad that you made it to SLC and back without incident. I will be so glad when the weather turns and driving goes back to being safe and boring.