Monday, June 6, 2011

Follow the Google Road

OK so, I get on the 

HELP tab
 and look to see if I can find what I need to do to load pictures again...
It gives all of these different things to do...
such as "empty your cache" what cache??? I have Cash??? COOOL...oh, not Cash "Cache"
 Ok found and done...
Try using the old down loader on Blogger...nope doesn't work...
You are out of space in your Picasa Web Album...I have a web album...I don't remember asking for a web album.... But, 
I will pay the $5.00 for the year for more space...
NOPE, I still can not load pictures!!!!
and then it says something about accessing Blogger through
I have that somewhere on my computer...
and HERE we have pictures!
So, do you think Google's Blogger wants us to use  Google's Chrome???
I think so....

1 comment:

Mrs. Kelley Dibble said...

Haven't dealt with this problem, but I do know Blogger was doing "maintenance" last evening (Monday).