A good member of the Church sent these home from Argentina with Kira to give to me.
They are called Alfajores...OH MY GOSH...You know how when you get a really good candy and you hide it so you do not have to share them...
YEP...these are that good! I was told this "company" was the premium... I would have to agree!
Q&A: They are a cookie ...well kind of...Ok you know how moon pies are made...that is what they are like in shape ONLY...the lemon one had powdered sugar on the outside, the chocolate cream has a chocolate cover...they are not as thick as moon pies...No marshmello anything in them...and the cookie is NOTHING like a moon pie...these totally melt in your mouth....Oh my I am going to have to hide the box from myself!!!
Are these like the cookies Kira made with the coconut?
You have my attention...I want details!
It kills Dick that he can't till his garden. He keeps looking out the sliding door and says, "I would have it all done by now if it wasn't for my leg." Your soil looks so beautiful! I told Dick there is always next year. Anson and I would do it for him but his tiller is an antique one that only my man is strong enough to use.
So is that candy chocolate or what?
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