Monday, June 24, 2013

One of These IS NOT Like the Others

I would like for you to look closely at these 5 family members...
Can you see any resemblances? How about differences?

Ok... if you are not sure... You may say my sister is different from the rest of us.....
Yes, she has a house full of kidlets, but so does my brother Ro.
Yes, Morris and I have grown kids.
Yes, my dad and I have grandkids.

If you still do not know where I am going with this, do not feel alone.
But, I want to share a true and very unfortunate story with you.

As I have bragged, smiled and shared that I was able to go to Arizona for LaLa's baptism.
Again, it was wonderful!
But, being around many, many strangers...
on several occasions (to many to count)
I was asked, "Is this your daughter?" or "Is that your mom?"
This would be all good and fine expect they were not asking LaLa...or even Miss Roo...
Really world... I am barely 7 years older than her.
I admit she looks much younger than I do.
and she has 5 kids still trailing behind her, where I have my 3 grand babies. 
I could get over the fact that one of us married young and the other married not as young.
It is all good, right.

Until on my flight home from AZ.

This cute little 18 or something was setting next to me and I thought at first it was her older sister or friend with her....Later in the flight as the conversations went on I realized that it was her mother.

I made the comment, "I thought at first you were flying with you sister."
This "sweet" little things says...." DO I LOOK THAT OLD??" I responded quickly, "Oh no, your mom just looks that young." Which she quickly replied, "She is 51 years old!"
at which I answered...Really, "SO AM I."
Then the  little ..... responded with a NO WAY!!!
I though you were much OL..................
It was a good thing that we were getting ready to land
 and that we were not on the emergency exit seat row...
Just saying.

I have gone a couple of years or so without coloring my hair...
mostly because I am lazy.
And I kept telling myself, the white "high lights" didn't age me that much.

But, I believe now that they must not only make me look older but not as healthy.
The day after I got back home I colored my hair.
It is still light but not white.

I have been so surprised by all the people at home... 
They can tell there is a difference, but can not put a finger on it.
But, I LOVE their comments:
"You look so good."
"That trip must have been just what you were needing."
"You look like you have got a lot of needed rest"...
Should have done this a couple of years ago.

And the answer to the question is...
Which one of these is not like the other??
Well, do you REALLY think that is 'LENE's hair color??

Saturday, June 15, 2013

30 years!

I am not real sure how it has happen...
But, one of my babies turned 
30 years old today!

I can not express in words how much I love this boy man.
He can be serious but usually he is showing his true personality.

He is such a good example to everyone that comes into contact with him.
I believe he is a good husband and father.

He has shared his love of books with his girls.

and teaching them that he will always be there for them.
Even if they are having a rough night.

Josh, I love you.
You are truly one of the chosen sons of our Father in heaven.
I am humbled and honored that He has shared you with me.
Love you,

Saturday, June 8, 2013

8 Is Great

Last week I boarded a plane....yes this is my view from the window..

For a little of this...

checking out these...

and being grateful I don't have to deal with these...

But, the real reason I flew to Arizona was to be at my niece, LaLa's baptism.
She has to be one of the sweetest 8 year olds I know. 
She just glows happiness, fun and innocence.

A bonus is getting to see my dad...

My brother Morris & Sister in Law Rhonda...

My brother Ro and his family...
yes, if you have followed my blog they have moved from UT to AZ.

and some how I have not got a picture of my sister, 'Lene (she is Kayla's mom)
and I together for a picture yet.
Either way, I liked this picture of the 3 of us together. 

I was feeling pretty darn lucky to be here today with my family.

I am one lucky lady and am so glad that LaLa had chosen to be baptized
and had invited me to be a part of her special day!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

3rd Heart-Aversary

I had my "annual" visit for my heart transplant to check how everything is going with my heart.
I can not believe that it has been 3 years since I received my amazing heart. Sometimes it feels like it has been forever ago and yet really it is hard to comprehend that it has already been 3 years.
The "annual" visit takes you through a couple of days of blood draws, tests, x-rays, EKG's, Echo's, bone density tests PLUS right and left heart catherization, which checks your heart pressures and how the veins and arteries around the heart are doing. 
I DID NOT have to have a biopsy BECAUSE my Allomap tests came back really good. 
This year's Cath-lab picture pretty cool... the little wires holding my sternum look like little hearts??? 

Tonight to celebrate my heart-aversary
We made heart shaped personal size pizzas.
pre-cooked dough
We had the table with everyone's favorite fixings.

They turned out pretty darn cute and really yummy.

The girls were really excited to have their own heart pizza.

Miss C was pretty sure that they were going to be cookies.

After eating pizza until we were stuffed, Kira pulled out sky lanterns.
The blue one on the table will be sent to my donor's family.
Each of us wrote a small note to them.
( My clinical social worker will send it to the donor's family. I do not know anything about my donor)

Kirk, Josh, Ali, Kira and Sergio signed the lantern,
Kira traced the girls hands putting their names and ages.

Kira always goes above and beyond to make this anniversary so very special.
I do not know what I would do with out her.
Not only did she have a lantern for my donor's family but also 3 for us to light and send up.

Yep, photo bombing Kirk and Josh lighting their lantern.

Having these lanterns are such a fun thing to do.
 Watching the lanterns start to fill with warm air from the candle inside...

and before you know is up in the air and in no time out of sight,

Oh, how things have changed in the past 3 years.
These two little cousins had not even been born.

Here we are a few hours before my heart transplant.
Sergio, Derek, Josh
Kira, Kirk and myself.
Ali wasn't able to be with us because she was less than 4 weeks from having our first grand baby.

3 yrs later:
Sergio, Kira, Kirk, myself, Josh, Ali
Miss H, Miss C and Miss E
Derek wasn't able to be here tonight.

Life is good. many, I think of my donor, who they where, what happen that I received their heart...
But, inside of me there is a feeling of sadness...that someone is missing a family member today. Were flowers taken to their grave? Is there a grave?  Did their friends and family get together and have a "miss you" party?
Did someone just want to stay in bed and not think about what happen 3 years ago?
Oh, how I wish I could share how grateful I am for "my hero". 
How we celebrate the way they took such good care of their body to have had such an amazing heart.
How strong it is and that it loves... it loves theirs family and mine.

I have such gratitude to them, to my family, to my friends, to those in our church but mostly to my Father in heaven who gave me this miracle. Who has helped me go through the transplant process so well.
I am blessed... I do not take these facts for granite.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Missing My Mom

I really hate the month of April...
some years more than others.
This year...A LOT...
I have cried, I have been grumpy, I have struggled.

19 years ago today, my mother Geneva Mary Berryhill Angle passed away.
I am still struggling...
I wasn't going to post anything...
because I didn't know what to say.

Then my sister 'Lene did her post.

She hit it right on the head...
I hope you will read her blog about our mom at...

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Easter Weekend

I hope your Easter Weekend was wonderful.
I spent my weekend giving a lot of though of the real meaning of Easter...
I was humbled...very humbled as I reflected on the life and death of our Savior.

Having family makes the holidays extra special.
Saturday morning was our ward's (church) Easter breakfast and egg hunt.

Miss H totally got into the egg hunt. She was so polite going to other eggs, when she saw others kids charging towards bunches of eggs. 

She loved having these two special men in her life helping her.

She made quite the "haul".
She really got into it when she saw that there was candy inside the plastic eggs.

After the hunt, she enjoyed opening her eggs. She LOVED the solid chocolate eggs.

We realized after we got to the church that we were all in matching clothes.

Saturday evening Miss C came over to dye Easter eggs.
The had lots of fun and we had really pretty eggs.

Easter Morning came with baskets of goodies, new Easter dresses and ties.

We were able to get a couple of pictures before leaving for church.

After everyone was done with their church meetings, all of the kids 
and their families came and ate turkey and enjoy the beautiful day.

I can not put into words how much I love these four people....
can't see the 4th person? Look up on the balcony :o)

My kids crack me up...
I don't think I have ever taken pictures of them and not had a few with them 
showing off their great personalities!

The girls where having a fun playing outside on the slide.

Miss E didn't come out because she has a little cold.
So, Ali hung out on the balcony watching the fun.

The girls loved chasing after the guys while they were playing disc golf around the yard.

Even the neighbor's dog wanted to get into the fun.

It was a wonderful weekend.
Memories were made.