After reading my sister, Lene's I was ready to go crawl back in bed...
But...This is MY SPT though I am not in it...
This is the view from my room, behind that storm are the beautiful Wasatch Mountains (remember them from the SLC Olympics)
I am told I will leaving this afternoon...after the IV people come to teach me how to take care of my PICC line at noon...OH WAIT it is almost 4PM...
Hey, at least I have a nice view.
This is the view from my room, behind that storm are the beautiful Wasatch Mountains (remember them from the SLC Olympics)
I am told I will leaving this afternoon...after the IV people come to teach me how to take care of my PICC line at noon...OH WAIT it is almost 4PM...
Hey, at least I have a nice view.
Why would you want to leave a place with such a lovely view?
I am so glad you are headed home. Be safe!
Love you.
I know that beautiful view, but I also know that there's "no place like home". Best of luck to you and you're in my prayers:]
You are so great at finding the good in things... like a pretty view from your hospital room. I hope you get to come home soon. The view around town may look the same when you aren't around, but the place sure feels different. We miss you!
UGh! Hospitals! I've been thinking of you. Hope it's all going well.
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