I am a "follower" of a few too.
I am trying to decide what I want to do when I see they are "going private".
Do I "quit following" or take them off my favorites?
Like I said at the start I just "visit" many blogs, I do not KNOW the person sometimes I will leave a short note.
What do you do?
Looks like you've had some pretty cold weather up in Idaho. I work with the Beehives in our ward and I love the new theme and that video was so great. I think they've really hit the nail on the head this year. Stay warm. Mimi
I agree I read blogs for the same reasons. I also love to be inspired. Even though I don't know you, in person, I admire how you have raised such a giving family. It is inspiring! I hope that my children grow up to be as giving of themselves as your children have. My kids will read some of the blogs I visit and ask questions about the world around them, I guess that is one way we learn about others and ourselves. Please don't go private! You inspire me!
Ok I'm confused.. Your going private or your just asking about what to do when you stalk someone that is going private? Either way let me know.
I don't have time to follow people that I haven't become friends with. I have a hard enough time remembering to check on my friends that blogs are private. I really enjoy the following thing & hate that it doesn't tell me when someone private updates..
It is so hard to keep up with the blog if the following tool doesn't function!
I agree with a comment you made a while back when we were visiting...if you feel like you need to go private and you don't want people to see, then don't do a blog and just do it on paper. It's too bad some people make life hard for others and make it so others feel like they have to go private.
I'm glad I don't have the wind and the frost/ice but it is beautiful.
miss you tons.
I love your blog and I love reading others...
Okay, good. When I saw the title, I was like, what??? No!!!! Because I'm like Bren. I hate it when people go private, and my blogroll won't show me when they've updated. When people go private, even though I'm "invited," I still don't check that often, because I'm busy checking peoples' who aren't private. If that makes sense.
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