I believe we all have that one "Special" Uncle in our lives. Mine happens to be turning 80 years young today.

When I go to Arizona other than seeing my siblings, I have only two other places that I go no matter what...to see MY Uncle John and the cemetery to put flowers on my mom and brother's graves.
I am pretty sure that Uncle John doesn't follow blogs, but I could not let today pass without just saying, Happy Birthday...and I love you.
Got to go, I have a phone call to make.

When I was little I always thought Uncle John was my Grandpa...I don't know when I realized he wasn't.
Hey... thanks so much for posting a background and support button! Drop by anytime!
Yeah- I thought he was my grandpa too. Thanks for telling me he is my Uncle & not my grandpa...
Happy Birthday!
I'll add a happy birthday to the chorus too!
I didn't know your mom had passed away... I'm so sorry. He seems so sweet. I love uncles.
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