This is Mr. Call, Papa Bear to his drama students.
Last week he was diagnosed with cancer.
This is the message his wife, Sayda left on her blog,
I can not tell you how much I love and appreciate him. Kira and Derek would have never survived high school with out his constant encouragement."We got the call this morning. It is cancer. The tumor is
12 inches long, 6 inches wide, and 6 inches thick. Remember the ER doc said it
was a pulled muscle? Well... it wasn't! There really is something growing, very
rapidly, in his thigh. We will go to SLC tomorrow to see the radiology
If you would like stop by and say hi.
Please, keep him and his amazing family in your prayers.
Mr. Call, Sayda and family, we love you!
We are praying for you! We have faith that miracles can happen.
Wow. That is just crazy.
Did you know I really hate cancer?!?
We love you so much too. It's students like yours that make my husband a good teacher. AND... parents like you that teach their children to appreciate good teachers. Thanks for everything.
Hi Niece,
Thanks for the info and the update. We will keep the whole family in our prayers, because we know that all are effected by this.
Our Love to all
That is just horrible. You know what's so weird? A man in my ward just got diagnosed with cancer in his thigh. He fell a couple of years ago and bruised it horribly; somehow, it grew into cancer. He has been going to the Huntsman institute in SLC. So harsh.
That is really sad. I will keep him in my prayers.
Mr. Call was such an amazing inspiration to me, not very many people knew how much I looked up to him. I always enjoyed hearing what crazy idea he had next, I miss him dearly and I hope that everything will be okay. I will definitly keep him in my prayers.
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