Do you remember having cans on the end of a string...talking to someone. You were pretty sure where that someone was.
and if I called you, and you answered I KNEW you were home.

and then these came...and the first thing after...HELLO, was WHERE ARE YOU?

and if I called you, and you answered I KNEW you were home.

and then these came...and the first thing after...HELLO, was WHERE ARE YOU?
hi...we got rid of our land line about a year ago...all that every used it were the 800 #s wanting us to sign up for direct or dish tv...we all have cell phones and it saves us about 46.00 a month...we love it...
We thought about doing this, too. But I felt EXACTLY how you do! I decided on a compromise...the Magic Jack. Our reason for wanting to get rid of a land line was purely financial and nothing else. The Magic Jack is a great alternative to satisfying both needs, still having a land line, but saving A LOT every month. The very first time you pay like $40 dollars and then every other YEAR (not month) you pay like $19. It's connected to your internet so you can call anywhere in US and Canada anytime for just $19/yr. You might look into it for Sergio and Kira, too. You might be able to ship them one (after picking a US based phone number) and then they can call you for that price, as far as I know. You'll just have to look into it, but I know you can take it other places with you, as long as you have a phone and computer with internet to connect it to. Good luck! Check their website.
We too have thought about discontinuing our land line but we have a house alarm that is connected to our phone. A cell phone is probably all we need for the alarm but we just haven't checked into it. Let us know what you decide.
We've kept our land line for the 911 capability. Don't know if the cell phone would give responders your address.
We don't have a land line...everyone has a cell phone, so no need to have another bill for something we just don't use.
I have thought about getting rid of the land line for a while now. Most of my calls go to my cell anyway. Even the doc and schools call me there. And further more, I get wrong numbers all the time on the house phone.
So funny, we've just been discussing this because for two days straight no one (not counting the telemarketers) has called us on our land line.
I have a land line so Dad won't call my cell.
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