I still have carrots to can. I have pulled all the onions and am letting them dry right now.
We still have apples to make into sauce and dehydrate, peaches and pears to can but I am So ready to be done!
Oh, but the food collecter in me just will not stop.
I found boneless, skinless Chicken Breast for $1.49 lb So, I cooked and shreaded it and now have 6-12oz. freezer bowls full of it in the freezer too.
I figure it will be awesome to pull out and make enchalada's or chicken noodle soup.
Has anyone ever put meat in bottles? How did it turn out? What do I have to do to proccess it? I would like to go buy more chicken, but I don't have that much freezer space.
Did I say something about wanting to be done canning for the year??? Maybe I am just ready for the mess of supplies to go back out to the storage room!
You are most inspiring! Just think what peace of mind that will bring!
Oh My GOODNESS!!!! Canning - umm, yeah I buy those types a cans at the grocery store. I so am not a True Mormon I guess....
Wow! What a Woman!!!
So, I keep reading a lot of blogs about all the canning everyone is doing. I have never canned anything in my life. I have never even witnessed anything being canned. I wouldn't even know where to begin. Is it something I can teach myself? Or do I need someone to teach me? I was thinking of looking for some books at the library about it. Maybe next year I will give it a try...or maybe I'll just save my coupons and buy in bulk from the store? The world may never know.
I want to be like you. Seriously I do.
You really are inspiring.
Way to go Sis!
You have so much energy! I don't do nearly as much canning as I did when the kids were all home. In today's economy I probably should do more but I'm just not in the mood. Just think of those winter meals you'll be having. You go girl. Mimi
awh thanks...
Trust me I am not a molly by any sense of the word!
Without out a garden I would be buying all the great case deals!
Cheaper and a lot less work!
I got tired just reading about all the canning you did! Wow! I've never canned meat. I just do jams and salsa. Oh and jalapenos.
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Thanks, Sayda
Where in Idaho do you live? I need someone to teach me how to can.
(I live in IF)
Oh my goodness; I really need to get on my food storage. Seriously. My mom cans, and I steal canned fruit from her. You are amazing!
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