As with any award comes so responsibility....
The rules for accepting this award:
1.Thank the link to the person that gave you the award
2.Pass this award on to 15 bloggers you've recently discovered & whom you think are fantastic
3.Contact said Blogs to let them know they've won
4.State 7 Things about yourself!
15 bloggers! Before Friday Followers I barely had 15 followers...but those old tried and trues may not be hooked yet to Friday so...my choices are:
- My Life at Midlife
- Gramee
It was easier to find 15 people to give the award to than it will be to tell you 7 things about myself.
- I don't like to leave home
- My family is everything to me, Kirk is my hero, Josh is my sprititual giant, Kira is my sunshine and derek is my lions heart.
- I love old cemeteries
- I get excited when I find who I am looking for when I am doing family history
- I enjoy blogging
- People think I am easy to talk to
- I have the coolest brothers and sister in the world.
Enjoy and be sure to visit the blogs I honored...yes, they are that good
thanks so much!
Well thank you so much!! :D
Thank you very much!
And your siblings totally rock!
Wow! Thanks for thinking of me!
I also find old cemetaries fascinating! I love to look at the names and imagine their possible stories.
Thank you Janiece!
I haven't met your brothers but your sister is AWESOME!
you truly are a beautiful blogger..
You are so generous. Thank you, thank you.
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