Yea, and good luck getting on the web site...
Dr Pepper Extends Free Coupon Offer Due to Consumer Demand
Everyone in America* has until 6 PM EST on Monday, November 24

Everyone in America* has until 6 PM EST on Monday, November 24
to get a free 20 oz. Dr Pepper
"People are passionate about Dr Pepper," said Tony Jacobs, vice president of marketing for Dr Pepper. "The response has been greater than anticipated and we want to do everything we can to ensure Dr Pepper fans get their free coupon. " HOW TO GET YOUR FREE DR PEPPER
1. Go to or call 1-888-DRPEPPER (1-888-377-3773)
2. Register your information online or by phone to receive a coupon for
one free 20-oz. Dr Pepper.
3. When your coupon arrives, redeem it wherever Dr Pepper is sold.
4. Drink your Dr Pepper slowly to experience all 23 flavors. Dr's

Everytime I try to get on it crashes. Oh well.
Yummmm....that sounds really nice and refreashing after a long day chasing my kidlets around. I will have to give that a try!
I forgot....I was watching DWTS...and then I went to bed. I was exhausted.
Hey now that is just not very nice to do to me!!!
What's funny is my hubby said "Your going to stop drinking Dr. Pepper & they are going to worry because their losing $, & so they'll try & get you back for free!" Seriously he did! And I am not back on it yet..
Twenty-three flavors, huh? I'm too late to get my freebie, unfortunately! But I get free Dr. Pepper at work, so I think I'll survive. :)
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