Dilemma, may be a harsh word...But I have to admit I was just a little traumatized when I had may hair cut in Argentina. A nice young man...ie...women, came and asked me what I would like done with my hair...he/she only spoke Spanish and I only English, but I had a wedding coming up and my last haircut was way over due.

When he was done and I paid my $20.00 pesos..I believe every ounce of color was gone from my face.
But...I had one really good haircut.
It stays like I wanted it to and was out of my eyes,
I will tell you my haircut is amazing!
It looks nice all the time.

Let's just say I could give "Ugly Betty" a run for her money.
So, Amber...you have a new client.
and I would strong encourage any of my friends to ask for Amber at
JLA Salon in Burley, Idaho
We women have such a love/hate relationship with our stylists don't we!? Sometimes I love the cut, sometimes I hate it. For the most part, I like the cut I get from my stylist but sometimes she just does what she wants, regardless!
Your hair looks awesome and I'm glad Amber worked out for you! So funny about the "tween" thing but I sure know what you're talking about.
I bet you feel so good with a fresh new cut. It can make all the difference in the world about how we feel about ourselves. I always feel a little "prettier" with a fresh new hairdo!
Love the cut and the brows too!
How funny that Amber would be cutting your hair now. She sure looks like her Mom.
And I totally agree that a good cut and freshly waxed brows make the world go round.
If Sharon Vandever isn't still coming up to Burley every other week from Farmington, I'll take you up on the tip.
It's a great style on you.
Love, Hna. Petersen - Argentina....
back in Burley after March 12.
You look great! Having a good hair lady is SO important!
Yes, the right hair lady is ESSENTIAL for any woman to feel "right"...and I'm not just saying that cuz I'm a licensed cometologist. :-)
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