Early this morning as I was setting and checking my emails, my dog Itsey started just throwing the biggest fit. I yelled at her a couple of times and she would not settle down, it wasn't the "I need to go out" attention, but was acting like she was about to have a nervous breakdown. I had just picked her up to see if I could some how calm her down and there was a knock at my door. As I went to the entry way I could see my sweet new neighbor at the door and I could tell something was terrably wrong.
As she sobbed, my first fear was her husband...and as she finally got the words out...Sweetie...
Sweetie has been hit! As she caught her breath, I said, Let me call my vet... and I will grab the truck..I was running for the phone..."they hit her, she is dead", "WHY do they have to drive so fast on this lane??!!" As my eyes begin to fill with tears, my heart ached for her. It had only been a fews years back when my dog had been hit out front from someone speeding by. Sweetie was a 100 lb. White Lab. I called the neighbor boys a few houses down to come help me load Sweetie into the back of our truck. As my new neighbor cried, and asked the boys to be careful, these two great young men slowly lifted and covered her dog as if it were the finest of crystal.
My new neighbor explained that she would like to take her to the vet to be cremated, and so I dove as she went through all the emotions of grief...disblief, ANGER,and acceptance.
This big dog was her buddy, her fishing companion, and a part of her family.
Now, I know why Itsey was pitching a fit...she knew before I did something terrible had just changed our little neighborhood lane.
How sad, my heart hurts for her also.
How kind of you to help.I'm sure your neighbor really appreciated it. It's very hard lossing our beloved dogs/animals. Warmly,Deb
I feel so bad for her.
I am sure this brought back some sad memories for you also.
This is such a sad story. I remember when we lived out in the country, our dog got hit twice and they didn't even stop. They just left our dog for dead. We had some pretty expensive vet bills. Once he had internal bleeding the next time they broke his pelvis and many other bones. They do drive terribly fast out in the country.I'm glad she had such a sweet neighbor to help.
Love, Sayda
Oh I am so sorry to hear about this dog and her buddy. How sad. I know it is so hard to lose a companion like that. Fast drivers anyways. That is just not fair.
So sorry.
Janiece...I stumbled onto your blog from Deb's(Garage sale gal). My heart aches for your neighbor...I would be lost without my pal, Bear. I hate when people go speeding by...not thinking..did they even stop??
Hugz....and I'll be visiting often!
Oh I have chills. How sad & terrile for your neighbor. I hope who ever hit Sweetie knows the hurt & slows down....
Thank goodness you were home...
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