Our garden is starting to take off, especially the zucchini plants. We have learned over the years that you only need 1 or 2 plants NOT 10 or 20. The joke use to be, "be sure you lock your car door at church or you will come out to it with a zucchini squash in the seat!" Anyway...I can only stand to eat boiled, steamed or fried squash for so many meals and then what do you do...I like zucchini bread but tonight I was in the mood for cookies. This recipe I found in 2002 on the website
recipegoldmine. I love it and use it every year. So, enjoy!
Zucchini Chocolate Chip Cookies
1/2 Cup Butter
1 Cup White Sugar
1 egg
Cream for 5 minutes
2 Cups flour
1/2 teaspoon Salt
1 teaspoon Soda
1 teaspoon Cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon Ground Cloves
1 Cup Zucchini, peeled and grated
1 Cup Chocolate Chips
1 Cup Chopped Nuts
Drop by spoonful onto a greased cookie sheet.
Bake 350* 12 – 15 minutes Makes 3 dozen
(I didn't have any choc. chips so I used M&M's they turned out just perfect!)
Hilarious. I am in the same zuchinni boat. I love them in all the goodies, but am trying to use it fresh. We had omeletes tonight. They weren't bad. We could feed the universe on this stuff. I am cracking up.
I am grateful for the recipe. I shall try it for sure. A friend came over today and got some for this dog food she made. Whatever works in getting rid of the stuff.
So funny about the church and locking the cars up. LOL.. So true. I see it every week in a box at church marked FREE. And we still continue to grow it next year. What are we all thinking?
I didn't plant any one year, and found it was the same for everyone else too!
I'd leave my car doors unlocked if you'd deposit the cookies!
Maybe if my sad little plants ever get bigger I will have to give these a try. I love sneaking veggies in anywhere I can - especially for Big Daddy!
Liz - you are funny!
Sounds really good! Anything with m&m"s & vegetables.... I don't have a garden. Wish I had tried to do one. Tried a tomato plant & my girls couldn't handle waiting & kept picking them before they were ready..
What a darling blog you have! Thanks for leaving a comment on my new blog. It has been fun but kinda time consuming. Hopefully I'll get more organized soon. The mister and I lived in Rexburg in the early 70's while he went to Ricks. Looks like you're up there somewhere. I don't plant zuchini anymore and still have plenty from all the neighbors gardens. But I have to have a tomato plant or two it's the law! I'll be back for another visit soon.
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