I wish I could say it was no big deal, but this card had pictures that I can not replace.
My son going into the Mission Training Center (MTC), a video that my father did to my children while he was in the hospital, pictures of my dad and I, my family reunion, pictures of the St. George Temple. It had the cemetery in Pine Valley, Utah where many of Kirk's ancestors are buried. I have wanted to go there for years and finally did just a few months back. Picutres of my nieces & nephews, while I was in Arizona in June, and a picture of my brothers and sister and I together, it was the first time we had been together since our brother Bruce passed away.
I also catalog cemeteries, and had a small cemetery in the Basin Valley that I had been working on, that I had not finished and so I still had not downloaded the pictures yet. Memorial Day pictures...and I know I am still forgetting other things.
So, yea...I am SICK...I just want to cry.
UPDATE: This is a portion of Kira's email today....
So I did have a really bad day this week…I cried like a baby. All of my pictures from Salta were on a computer in the offices and one of the elders was suppose to make me a disc and I have been waiting super patiently…and evidently all the pictures got deleted. I had already deleted my Memory Card…I am serious. I almost died. It was one of the worst feelings in the world. It was like a member of the family had died. I just kept thinking that I lost all of those memories…there were pictures that only I had that now I will never get to see again. And to top it off…they were all of Hna Picketts pictures too so not only did I feel bad for myself…but also the fact that she didn’t have any of the pictures. I cried really bad. It was aweful. I am still trying to get over it a bit…but I tried smiling and we went out and taught….So I am going to be waiting super patiently this week to hear from Hna Pickett to see if she by chance made a CD before she left Salta. I am not going to lie…I have been praying that she has…and if not I will be making a CD of everyone else’s pictures. Super Sucky.
I guess like mother, like daughter...boy can I feel her pain.
Hermana Kira and Hermana Marci

in Salta, Argentina
Please say it isn't true. Please. This is beyond a crying thing. This is a full blown out down in bed for 2 weeks thing. I am so very sorry for you. I would be sick too.
Take Care.
Oh! I am sooo sorry that happened. Ugh! I would be crying too!
I have some of the pictures from down here that I can send you. I also think I stole some of Derek's MTC pictures off your card while you were here.
But none of your cemetery pictures.
I am soooo sorry for you.
Niece-I feel your pain--must be a cousin thing. As Ray changed batteries and all of my photos were deleted as well....this has never happened before...it makes me sick as well..We saw Owen over the weekend and I took a lot of photos...***poof*** all gone.
We're all letting out one collective "OH MY GOSH" as we read this. Like Jan said, say it isn't so!
This could be right up there as "one of the worst days of my life!" I'm so sorry!
Oh Niece,
My heart has been aching for you!!!! I am soooooooo sorry! Sounds like your sis may be able to come to some rescue!!!!!!
Love ya!
Oh Janiece...I'm soooo sorry for you. I would be crying too.
Thanks for stopping by the blog..yes, I am feeling better..just waiting for these pesky little (little??? they're 3 and 5mm..yikes) stones to pass. The pain pills definitely help, except I'm not much of a pill popper, so I'm trying not to take too many.
Oh no! I feel so bad for both of you. On the other hand, Kira looks so good.Luv Ya!
Dave feels your pain and Kira's pain too!! All of his mission pictures were stolen and his camera too in his very last area one month before he came home. It wasn't digital, but lots of film.
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