I have a family that LOVES to White Water Raft

Today, a group of ladies from our church when "rafting" on the Snake River; The place we went is called the "Hagerman Stretch", I say rafting because there was very little white water to speak of. So, I decided I was going to give it a try.I grabbed Kira's shoes for good luck.

ok to clarify the pictures...In the front of the raft is Mooch (Kira's boyfriend) and beside him and out of camera range is my youngest son, Derek.
In the middle on the far side (now in the bottom of the boat) is one of the "River Rats".
And then Kira in her lime green gear, behind her is my nephew
On the back row is Kirk...right beside him and in the water is my brother Morris.
Kirk & Morris were accually the only ones to go out... the kids faces were priceless, beings the dads were gone!!!

Thanks for visiting today!
Good for you Janiece. That must have took some courage. I love that you just went for it.
Love the pictures too. Very pretty.
Have a great day with the family.
Ok, in the first picture there were 7 people in the raft. In the last picture, the one with ALL OF THE WATER IN THE RAFT...there were only 5 people. What happened to the other 2? I know it's supposed to be loads of fun but I think it would scare me to death!
I'm so proud of you for your Snake River experience this week. Now going down a calm river with a raft full of girlfriends...now that my cup of tea.
I got my gift from you. It is so cute.. Thank you so much. I love it. That was really sweet of you.
I always wanted to go white water rafting. But never have yet.. I'm with Linda- where are the other 2 people?
Hi Janiece,
Thanks for visiting me :) I think I should add white water rafting to my "Bucket List" That is awesome that you went with the ladies.
Tips for estate sales:
Go early and look for anyone who may have "pre-numbers" It's ususally a dealer. That number is then exchange by the company who is having the sale around 8 AM. This may not be the practice where you live...it is here.
When the doors open, just rush in and DIG. Look under the tables, in drawers and basements are loaded with treasures. Garages too. Read the paper to see which sale looks "GOOD" to you. The first time is the hardest, but, hey you know how to blog so going to estate sales will be easy. If I think of anything else, I'll let you know. Happy Monday.
This post brought back so many good memories. I loved that trip I took with you guys! One of my favorites...
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