I started searching for cemeteries a couple of years ago. While "surfing the internet" I ran across a site called Find a Grave. And being I have a very addictive personality I started adding names and pictures. And sometimes you will get a request to look for a headstone in a cemetery near you.
I live in Rual Idaho...And you can find some strange things in some even stranger places.
Take for instance, the Island (Okelberry ) Cemetery near Oakley.
There was a request from Find a Grave to find a headstone at this cemetery.
First, the Snake River has some islands in it, but I don't know if there is away to get to any of them with out a boat????!!!!
Last summer, my brother in law who knows my hobby of finding headstones took me to a cemetery plot in a field. I remembered seeing some Okelberry's headstones.
So yesterday, I found the old cemetery sexton in Oakley and asked if he had ever heard of this Island Cemetery. He said, "No", I asked if he knew of a family plot in a field...OH YES...I know which one you want it is on the end of a corn field this year. (Who knows what will be planted next year)
And so the adventure begain...
Who better to ask if they have seen a cemetery in a corn field that guys that are harvesting corn!
Go down to the next road it is a 1/2 a mile road (yea our blocks are in miles) I head to 1450 South. Turn Right, (West) it will be a dirt road. Go about 2 miles and you will see a Log house, and turn left (South)
You will be on another dirt road that will go between two corn fields. So far so good!
Keep going and look to your left you "can't miss it"
Sure enough at the end of a corn field I can see headstones, I turn into the field and there are about 30+ stones.
Most of the dates on these markers were from the late 1800's early 1900's

This headstone is the oldest one.
Florence L. Wilson
Born August 1, 1882. Died August 2, 1882
daughter of WA & Florence Wilson
"Shltered and safe from sorrow"
Good morning Janiece...that's too cool! I'll have to check out that cemetery grave site. What beautiful pictures you took...looks like a place I would love to live.
We love you girl!
ooo, that looks neat! I will have to check out that site! I'm doing a bunch of geneology. Thanks!
Oooh! That is an interesting hobby. Can't say that I have ever thought of having that for one of mine. But to tell you the truth, here in the valley. I really don't like the cementaries here. They are so flat, hot & not a lot of shade.
I remember my grandpa was buried in Utah somewhere & there was rolling hills & tons of trees & green green grass. I thought it was the most beautiful site ever...
I have thought a lot about where would I want to be buried & I just don't really want to here. But what do you do. Hopefully that won't happen for a long time!
I'm going to check out this site. I already have a plot for me and the Mr. and wonder if there are any pictures of our neighbors???
Oh my stars,
You are doing my favorite thing in the entire world...
Visiting cemetaries. Steve is really good to take me to small, remote places and just letting me roam. I love the history you can learn about an area from their cemetaries.
What a thrill...
Wish I could be there to play...
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