I've been tagged by my friend Sayda...so here goes.
Five things I was doing 10 years ago:
1. Working at Smith's
2. Working for Mr. Kay
3. Traveling with Josh to Taekwondo Tournaments
4. Young Women's President of the Star 1st Ward
5. My baby is 9 years old!
To-do" List:
1. Make and Bottle Salsa
2. Make Apricot Jam
3. Clean Downstairs
4. Fold Laundry
5. Wash Sheets
Five favorite snacks:
1. Lemons
2. Limes
3. Chips and fresh salsa
4. Lemons
5. Green Apples
Five things I would do if I were a Millionaire:
1. Pay off Josh's Taekwondo Studio
2. Put enough money in savings for Kira and Derek's college
3. Help a missionary
4. Pay a big part of my brothers and sisters houses off
5. Go somewhere with Kirk
Five places I have lived:
1. Mesa, Arizona
2. Spokane, Washington
3. Rexburg, Idaho
4. Heyburn, Idaho
5. Burley, Idaho
Five jobs I have had:
1. Day Care (YUCK)
2. Smith's/Fred Meyers/Krogers
3. Health Club
4. Kay's Martial Arts
5. The Weekly Mailer
I tag:
1. Lene
2. Bren
5. Linda
I'd say you like lemons!
This tag looks easy enough...I'll try and get to it over the next couple of days.
I have lived in Rexburg and Burley too. Know any Frosts or Robbins?
So were you working at Smith's when Richie was a bag boy? I didn't know you worked there. I used to love lemons too! Then they ate all the enamel off my teeth so I had to stop.
Love ya, Sayda
Too fun! Thanks for the tag. I lived in Rexburg & went to Ricks... I really have to think what I was doing 10 yrs ago!
10 years ago was a hard one for me - I guess I was to twitterpated to know what was going on around me...
Thanks for the tag!
You like lemons?!?!?
Who knew?!?
How are you doing?
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