From Lelly, "your challenge is to highlight one thing per week that you have been inspired to do "because of a blogger." maybe it is a blogger you know (an old friend, a neighbor). maybe it is a blogger who is on your RSS feed. or maybe your creativity was sparked by a "drive-by" - a link to a link to a link. (wherever you found your inspiration, please try to give a nod to the appropriate blogger.)"
September 2 - home decor/tabletop
September 9 - entertaining/parties
September - 16 arts and crafts
September 23 - in the kitchen
September 30 - personal growth
September 2 - home decor/tabletop
September 9 - entertaining/parties
September - 16 arts and crafts
September 23 - in the kitchen
September 30 - personal growth

For the longest time I didn't think she knew how to use a stove, let alone come up with a weekly menu, but she has turned out to be an AMAZING cook. I love it when she posts a recipe, because I jump on it. Her "corncobbler" is a favorite of mine.
I am inspired by her ability to be an amazing mom. She sets the table and her family eats together. I can't remember the last time my family did that...maybe Thanksgiving... I'm not sure.
She is also the person who introduced me to "blogging" and WOW I love it. I love meeting so many people and feeling like I have some great friends out there in the "blogging world".
Thanks 'Lene, I love you more than words, and am grateful for the inspiration you are to me.
how did i not know you two are sisters?!? how wonderful! i will have to check out corncobbler.
She sounds like the best cook ever. I wish I lived next door so I could just show up for dinner every night...
I can't believe your fall picture! Wow.. I wish it looked like that here. It's so hot today! It was 102' yesterday.
The picture is from Clip Art!
yes, she cooks a lot like my mom...the best cook ever...(I might be a little bias)
oh stop - I am blushing!
I learned to cook from the best and who do I always call with my kitchen questions - YOU!
I love your guts!
I love reading her menu's she posts. I try to make a menu so that I can make sure I have all of the ingredients...
Ooo! Corn cobbler sounds yummy!
I used to do a menu. Now it's just the mister and I. We eat out more, we have a lot more leftovers to eat so I don't waste food. It's kind of crazy. Mimi
Yep, I'd be proud of little sister too. That is really something to have all of the family sit down together for dinner each night...and to a homecooked meal too. Sounds like you're doing a great job Lene!
Janiece...I got the most adorable birthday gift in the mail today and I LOVE IT! I was going around the house tonight looking for just the right spot for it. Thank you sooo much for your thoughtfulness. Let me say, my blogging friends are making this one of the best birthdays ever! Thanks again!
Janiece-I hope you don't mind little old me stalking your blog. I have loved reading the comments that you leave on my posts and decided that I needed a stronger fix so I added yours to my google reader. This post about your sister is so makes me want to call my big sis and tell her how amazing I think she is. Of course she would probably appreciate it more if I waited till morning :) I really need to stop haunting blogs so late at night! Your posts are just so good it is hard to pull myself away.
What a sweet tribute to your sister and fellow blogger. Looks like a yummy recipe, now only if I'd spend some time cooking :)
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