Friday, Feb. 6, 2009, American Heart Association Go Red For Women
My Pins

My Maternal Grandmother passed away at the age of 38, from heart failure.
My Mother passed away at the age of 52, from congestive heart failure.
I had my first heart attack at the age of 42, and now have congestive heart failure.
What does a heart attack feel like?
I can't tell you.
I didn't have the symptoms that you "hear" about....because well, those are symptoms that men usually have, tingling hands, tightness of chest...
by the time I "found out" I had had a heart attack, I had been in ICU for 7 days, and had been transported to another hospital. They woke me up enough to explain that something really bad had happen. With the damage to my heart also came a gang-green spleen, and Gal-bladder and they were going to have to go into my heart and make sure it was strong enough to handle the surgery that was required to get the damaged organs removed both were also full of clots that had passed through my heart.
I never did go to the hospital because of chest pains, but because of the terrible pain in my gut.
Looking back, I can pin point my first heart attack...
I kept a journal and my entries changed from everything is great to ...something is wrong, I haven't been feeling "right" I am so tired, I don't want to get out of bed or do anything.
My skin looked different and I was filling up with fluids.
When I had my second heart attack in November 2007, I knew something was wrong, I immediatly called my cardiologist, he is 3 hours away, and I told him what was going on, he said to come down to the hospital and they would check me out. Sure enough I had had another heart attack. Thankgoodness for the pacemaker that I was already wearing.
I think the greatest thing I have learned through all of this is KNOW YOUR BODY.
I am grateful for modern medicine, for great doctors and for those who educated about the heart.
I Choose to Live not Die
I Choose to WEAR RED in support.
I Choose to BEAT the #1 Killer of Women
Our Hearts. Our Choice.
I know this is a long post, but maybe, just maybe it will help someone in our blogging world

My Maternal Grandmother passed away at the age of 38, from heart failure.
My Mother passed away at the age of 52, from congestive heart failure.
I had my first heart attack at the age of 42, and now have congestive heart failure.
What does a heart attack feel like?
I can't tell you.
I didn't have the symptoms that you "hear" about....because well, those are symptoms that men usually have, tingling hands, tightness of chest...
by the time I "found out" I had had a heart attack, I had been in ICU for 7 days, and had been transported to another hospital. They woke me up enough to explain that something really bad had happen. With the damage to my heart also came a gang-green spleen, and Gal-bladder and they were going to have to go into my heart and make sure it was strong enough to handle the surgery that was required to get the damaged organs removed both were also full of clots that had passed through my heart.
I never did go to the hospital because of chest pains, but because of the terrible pain in my gut.
Looking back, I can pin point my first heart attack...
I kept a journal and my entries changed from everything is great to ...something is wrong, I haven't been feeling "right" I am so tired, I don't want to get out of bed or do anything.
My skin looked different and I was filling up with fluids.
When I had my second heart attack in November 2007, I knew something was wrong, I immediatly called my cardiologist, he is 3 hours away, and I told him what was going on, he said to come down to the hospital and they would check me out. Sure enough I had had another heart attack. Thankgoodness for the pacemaker that I was already wearing.
I think the greatest thing I have learned through all of this is KNOW YOUR BODY.
I am grateful for modern medicine, for great doctors and for those who educated about the heart.
I Choose to Live not Die
I Choose to WEAR RED in support.
I Choose to BEAT the #1 Killer of Women
Our Hearts. Our Choice.
I know this is a long post, but maybe, just maybe it will help someone in our blogging world
Janiece, I can't believe you have gone through so much at such a young age. Every time I don't want to exercise, I always think, "This is good for my heart." I exercise for my heart, first and foremost. And then if I lose weight in the process, that's fine.
Love you and love your heart!
Hi Janiece,
WOW is right...God has plans for you:)
Thank you for your prayers for my FIL. I did a quick update post.
Red is a wonderful color
Happy Weekend.
I'm thankful for modern medicine too becuase it has let the world hang on to you! Thanks for being a friend and an inspiration!
You have been through a lot. It is so great what modern medicine can do. I think the longer we live the more chance we have to live longer because of the things that they learn everyday. Does this make sense? Glad you're still with us. Mimi
Congratulations to Josh and Alison!!!
I'm glad you are taking care of your heart because we love having you in this world. I can't believe how young your grandmother and mother were when they passed away. Thank goodness for modern medicine and the knowledge we have now. Thanks for giving us more knowledge!
OH my word! Bless your heart!
I am so thankful you posted this post. It sure helped me to learn a lot more.
I ♥ your pins and your passion about this.
Thanks dear!
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