I have heard as a little girl, I was a real "daddy's girl"... I am the oldest of 5 siblings. I am not sure when that changed, maybe when the first son was born...
pig headed
what ever you want to call it...
we seldom see eye to eye.
I have to admit, I am glad he was here for Josh and Ali.
I know that my dad's health makes it very difficult for him to travel and so I know this was a great sacrifice for him.
I know I don't say it enough to him...but I do love him. He is my father...
he taught me to be a hard worker, he provided for my family
I know in his way...he loves me too.
Happy Fathers Day to your dad and all of the other dads floating around out there in blogdom!
That is really great that your dad was able to come for the wedding. It is always nice to spend time with family, although I agree that sometimes a little family togetherness can go a long way ;)
That is so neat that your little sister stayed with you for a couple of weeks. I bet you'll miss them. I bet she was a big help for the wedding and all. So neat that your dad came for the wedding. I am missing my extended family so much lately.
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