My children and their friends have played
for I do not know how long.
Someone yells the floor is Lava and everyone has to find a place to get their feet off the floor...yea cute trick when you have three 21 year old boys jumping to your couch...the floor remains LAVA until the person who called it out changes it back to the floor or something else. You might go several weeks with out hearing it called and then just out of the BLUE hear your furniture screaming in pain.
Well, that was the inspiration for Josh's 26th Birthday Cake...
It did not turn out like I wanted it to...
(The UGLIEST cake I have ever made)
But, it tasted soooo good.
Thanks Josh for spending your evening with us.
Looks like you guys had a fun time for Josh's birthday! Anything chocolate looks good to me!!
Hugz...and Happy Birthday Josh!
Fun game and fun birthday...Josh looks happy...
I remember playing that game with my sister and brothers. It was a log of fun untill I misjudged the distance between the couch and the loveseat and ended up cracking head open on the end table. But over ten stictches and twenty-something years later, I still get a kick out of walking on the furniture.
Oh, and the cake...that cake...made my mouth water. YUMMY!
That cake looks delicious! Yummy!!! You are so creative. What a fun game. I saw Josh and Ali at our church. They are so cute together.
That looks really good.
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