The Wedding is over...and now it hits me how lucky I am to have a close family...
The cousins all enjoy each other
Chad won
Chad and Kira have always been close friends even when you are 2 states apart.
The hardest part for me is when everyone starts getting ready to leave.
Morris, Rhonda, MaKay and Chad were the first to go.
Because my family is not a "huggy, kissy family" this picture is priceless
Though I am sure that somebody is about to be goosed!
Then Rowland and his family left for home. My dad went to stay with then for a day before flying back to Arizona
'Lene and her children are going to spend a few weeks with us. Her husband left yesterday, which was sad to see him get on the plane and his little Ham...wanting to go with him.
I am lucky...and I know that
fun..and happy everything went well and darlene gets to stay longer...
love to all...
how fun you and your sister are staying together! no one ever visits me, im the mean sister (more like the mormon sister) my family are not members and they dont know how to get together with out partying. Hispanics... its in the blood.
so i barely mailed off the audiobooks to ya today, priority. i sent you new moon and eclipse. my breaking dawn is on loan so when you get near the end of eclipse lemme know and ill get it off to you, my friend is almost done, and i sent you like 25 cds so i do hope shes done before then LOL. take your time and enjoy, although i couldnt listen to them fast enough, and my mom didnt sleep but she got alot of sewing done listening to them.
There is nothing better than family. How nice that you could spend time together.
What great pictures are very lucky indeed!
What a great time! Glad the wedding went good.. How fun that all of the family was there.. Linda told me she wished her & I could of driven up there for the wedding... That would of been fun!
Have fun with Lene & take pictures. Can't wait to see all the fun.
What a good looking family! That is wonderful that you get to spend time with them this was really nice of Josh and Allison to arrange such a great reason for a reunion!
I love having family over. Such wonderful pictures. I bet you're the best host ever. I bet all those kids love you so much.
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