When Josh asked if he could have Itsey's puppy, I thought o.k. this will be easy...
He was given the name "Reku"...I am not real sure of where Josh came up with the name but it was now HIS puppy and he could name him what ever he wanted..
I knew this day was coming...but I didn't realize how hard it was going to be...
Wow. That must have been hard to have both Josh and Reku leave the nest at roughly the same time! At least they are both still fairly close to home:) When my brother and sister-in-law's dogs' had puppies (8!) they ended up selling them to various people who lived far, far away. Then my brother and sister-in-law moved far, far away. Thank goodness for blogs (my sister-in-law's and the puppies) becuase I would have drowned in my tears long ago with out them ;)
Total love shown here...
I was just going back and looking at old blog posts and I can't believe how little Riku was! He seems so little to me now but he is huge compared to what he was!
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