Kirk keeps a beautiful garden.
He will spend a couple of hours every night after work...weeding, watering and what ever else may need to be done.
To see more pictures of the garden visit 'Lene's blog.
With him being gone on his white water rafting trip...I realized that I was the one that needed to stay on top of the garden.

In just the short few days he has been gone and the LOADS of rain and now sunshine; the garden was in deep need of some attention...
So, out with the things I find important to working on the garden.
I had Twilight's "Eclipse" thanks to Mary RC loaning me her CD's,
diet soda, gloves
and my favorite music CD
Kira came home and has got me hooked on a few Latin groups...
I may not be able to understand what the words say, but I can feel the music...
I love it!
4 hours later, 5 CD's of Eclipse and the calming music of Reik...
the garden looks pretty good and I have blisters to prove it!
I wonder how Kirk has been ever to anything done out there without Twilight!
I think a blizzard would really help your blizzard. Cool on the outside and yummy on the inside :)
Your good example has inspired me to get out there and get my poorly tended garden whipped into shape...and to reread New Moon. Hmmmmmmmm.....Which to do first? And now that Cindy mentions it, a Blizzard does sound good... Lets see, I can read and eat a blizzard but I can't weed and eat a blizzard, so I guess that decides that question. I will just have to read this post again tomorrow to regain my garden-whipping motivation:) isn't nice to steal. :P
hey..I gave credit to you...
Didn't I???
I'm just giving you a hard time.
You are so dang cute!!! He will be so grateful for your help. I know Dick would be, if I would ever do something like that.
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