Many, Many years ago my mom and 'lene made tree ornaments with our names on them.
They ALL hung on my mom's Christmas tree.
When she passed away we were given our families names.
I was one of the lucky ones. All of my children were born before their grandma passed away.

2009 added two more names to our tree. Though I am not as talented as my mom and sister, I added our newest family names.
I love Nativity sets. This is the first set I bought, it was in 1983, the same year Josh was born,
at a "Home Interiors" Party. It is still my favorite.
The next two Nativities are Kira's...because she didn't know she was staying in Argentina,
She found both of them while on her mission.
This little set my sister-in-law gave me last year, we had it set up in my hospital room!
Yep, that was my Christmas that year. I was perfectly happy!

Gifts from friends always hold special spots We were given this on Itsey's first Christmas.
hand painted by my sister in law, Monica. It is always at the top of our Christmas tree
Isn't he CUTE! This is his 2nd year he is from my dear blogging friend Linda.
It is in my entryway.
and is only 1/2 decorated
I could not find anymore LITTLE candy canes...
I KNOW...I will have it finished today.
Well, that is about it for excitement....I hope you are still awake...
How about a tour of your Christmas decorations!
I must defend myself...I made the ornaments BY MYSELF. Thank you very much! And for some reason I don't even have mine. Maybe I should pull out the ol' aida cloth and make some for my family?!?
Love the tree in the entryway! Does it smell so good? On nevermind I will find out for myself in FIVE, yes FIVE, days!
I love love love the name decorations. What a lovely thing to make/have and to be able to add new ones to celebrate new additions to the family - i may have to copy your idea!
x x x
so enjoyed the tour...hope you can have a wonderful and miss you guys tons...
I'm so impressed with your holiday spirit. So much eye candy, I love it all! With my ankle I haven't done my decorating like I normally do. Heck, I haven't done any decorating hardly at all. Courtney comes home today so maybe she'll help me to get this house in the holiday spirit.
How nice to see your nativities... and about them. Also love the names on the tree, plus your darling "snowman village."
Love Kira's blog, too.
We leave on a cama bus today for Igauzu Falls with Walt's brother, Dale, and wife Connie (Hess)from Burley whom we introducted to two years after his wife passed away. His mission was here 50 years ago.
Merry Christmas.
Love, Los Petersen
I love the name ornaments! What a keepsake. Your house looks all ready for the holidays! Merry Christmas to you and your family!
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