I mean really what else do you do when you have
negative degree weather?

and it looks as cold as it says it is...

Yep, you grab the decorations...

This is the first time I have put all of my nativity sets together, I usually have one in each room of the house...
No, this is not the tree from the mountain, it is in the entryway with only 1/2 of its decorations
I am not sure why it has became so emotional for me to put up my Christmas tree but it is up and all I can say is...

Woot Woo! I always love how it looks when it's done but not so much the 'dragging out' part. Oh well, it's still better than the putting away part.
Merry Christmas!
Cute! We always hide baby Jesus until Christmas morning. I but him in a Christmas cup and my youngest said to me "Mom you didn't hide Jesus very well this year, I already found him!" Kids....
christmas should be about emotions and service. and keeping christ as the focus. were all about it being Jesus' birthday.
Well in a few days your house will be full of kids that really appreciate that you have your tree up.
I know how you feel Janiece. I am ESPECIALLY emotional right now as well... Maybe you are just having sympathy emotions...:)
Five people have commented and not one had anything to say that you're up at 5:04 AM! I can think of lots of things to do when the weather is below 0 at 5:00 in the morning! BTW, your nativities are awesome!
Brrrr it's cold at your house...but everything looks so nice and cozy inside!
Our tree is not up yet and it just might not make it up this year. The kids will probably put it up but then they'll leave and guess who will have to take it down and put everything away! Yep, me, and I'm not moving around here very fast with this ankle business. We'll see what happens.
I'm sure you're emotional because of Kira and Derek, I'm sorry! I wish we lived close so you could come by and we could chat the day away while I recouperate! That would be glorious!
BTW, I love all of your nativity sets!
Love all your nativities. Did you bring one back from Argentina?
Derek will be with ward families, Kira and Sergio will begin their combined Christmas traditions, and you will have Kirk, John & Ali and the great expectation of a grandbaby for next Christmastime. What a special Christmas for you.
Love, Los Petersen - Walt & Eileen - Argentina
Christmas decorations and Christmas music can cover a multitude of sorrows and annoyances. Way to enbrace the good!
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