21+ years ago, I was told I was expecting, I told the doctor he must be crazy because I was pretty sure I was not and so he sent to have an ultra-sound.
(yea, back in the day not every Dr. had their own machine and they didn't use them ALL the time)
When the ultra sound was done, the doctor and I could see a little sac, but there was nothing in it that we could see. He advised me to go back to see my doctor and have a DC preformed.
neither of these are my ultra sounds...I found them on the web
When I went in to visit with my regular Doctor he said, "Janiece, I will not do a DC on you...will you trust me and wait 1 more month and then have another ultra-sound done?"

I was thinking to myself...what ever...
So, I waited and again made a trip back to the same doctor who had done my previous ultra-sound. He was surprised to see me in his office, but not near as surprised as he was when he put the wand on my belly, and there set a little baby...waving his hand at us!!
He went and found the video of my previous visit, looked at it...and measured the little guy hanging out...sucking his finger and waving again at him...
The doctor said in a confused voice...we should have seen him...
I COULD NOT BELIEVE MY EYES or what I was hearing...I was 5 months pregnant!!
and there he was...a miracle...
Derek Burgess was born
by C-section, by Dr. Wood, the doctor who would not give up on him at only 18 weeks gestation,
he came into the world 3 weeks early and got to hang out at the hospital for a week and only because he was a little yellow.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABA...I LOVE YOU I can not wait to see you in 5 months!
Awe......I love this story! What a cute baby, darling little boy and handsome missionary! I hope he's having a Happy Birthday, and knows that someone back home sure loves him! What a nice tribute from his Mom!
He is such a sweetie and so is the rest of his family!!!
What a beautiful, touching story! Thank goodness for Dr. Wood!
Such a handsome young man Derek is!
How cute those pictures are!! What a sweetie! And what a blessing that DR was. That is such a miracle that he had the faith & helped you to trust him...
When I first clicked on your blog, I thought you were telling us you were pregnant!! All I could see was the ultra sound and I thought - Whoa! Glad it ain't me!!!
I want to thank you so much for your advice on Santa. You really made sense to me and I am going to look it up & talk to the kids more about it. You are so right! You opened my eyes and helped me to feel better...
I didn't know if I was being prejudice by only having "white" santas in the house. Their Aunt has a black Santa at her house...
Thank you! I appreciate your friendship & your advice. I hope your always around as the girls grow up & I have no idea how to handle these things!!!
What a good lookin' kid he grew up to be too! I'm so glad you didn't listen to the first Doctor. The equipment must have been REALLY bad in those days OR you've been blessed with a REALLY big miracle.
Wow 21 years. I still remember Kirk sneaking me in to the room to hold him. He was such a cute baby and a ggod kid.
Love you...and 19 days!!!
Oh Janiece ~ what a beautiful story. He's such a handsome man!
You have such amazing kids! It must be in the genes. Nice work making the world a better place by bringing him into it!
I came over to say hello! :) I visit Lene's blog. This is such a touching, and sweet story.
happy birthday derek, return with honor bud!
I know Derek from him serving in my ward, he has & amazing spirit and way about him. I am greatfull to have had the pleasure to get to know him. Reading Dereks' history (moms story) i'm more than glad all went well, and thankfull 4 a good Dr that gave him more time. Thanks 4 shareing. :-)
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