I never like when we take these pictures...because it means my family is leaving.

My sister,
'Lene and her family came and spent Christmas with us.
Usually when they come
it is for
longer than a week.

I believe I was in a state of shock when I realized they were really leaving.

Thanks '
lene and family for spending your Christmas with us.
BUTThe house was way to quiet and I miss you already!
I'm so sorry! I know what you mean, my parents left yesterday and the house is so still. It's wonderful having company but it sure is sad when they leave isn't it!?!
You just need to come visit us now...it's much warmer. Thanks for letting us share the Chaos with you for Christmas. Love you!
Happy New Year.
Thanks for sharing your year, your family, and your goings and comings.
Love, Los Petersen - Argentina
I was in a simialr state of shock yesterday when I left my parental homeland. Going back to the pre-holiday normal is always tough, but I'm sure these first weeks of the new year will be full of things that will keep you busy!
glad you had a great christmas.
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