Saturday, May 14, 2011

1st Anniversary

What a year!!!!
A year ago at this I was out of surgery and had a new heart beating so strong it was rocking my body!
So, what all has taken place in the past year that I believe would be seen as a miracle.
*Ro and his family
*Kira and Sergio arrive in the states
*Derek gets home from his mission the same week I  get my new heart
*May 13, 2010 I get the awaited phone call "They have a heart for me"
*May 14, 2011 Transplant of a new heart is a success.
*Feeling a Love for a complete stranger and their family.
*My understanding of Miracles.
*Feeling the prayers from so many people and faiths
*10 days after transplant I am able to leave the hospital
*Lene spending mother's day with me in Utah
* Miss Celes arrives, Our first grand baby
*We find out that another grand baby will be coming in February.
*Having energy to do we checked out as much as we wanted to in Utah.
*Well enough for an apartment.
*Lene and family spend the whole summer, they didn't have to leave after a week!!!
*Going HOME!
*I truly fall in love again.
*Green Cards
*I get to enjoy Holidays, and remember them!
* Miss H joins our family
and the miracles continue to be a part of our life's.
To my blogging friends THANK YOU
for all of your words of encouragement, your prayers and your friendship.
I have had an amazing year and you have all been a very big part of it.
Now to start on year 2....


tammy said...

All great things to be celebrating and remembering. So happy things have turned out this way for you.

Kira Rivadeneira said...

I am so glad
I got to be a part of these special moments.
You're the best!

Molly said...

Congratulations on your one year mark! So exciting! And what a year it has been! Here's to many more years to come!!!