Well, my friends...I am going to say just One thing...ok maybe Three things...
If you are having doubts about anything...
Go in prayer...
and listen...
I am so glad I did.
I knew I was not comfortable with the instructions I was being given, so I got a 2nd opinion and I am soooo grateful I did.
I will have the Generator (pacemaker battery) replaced on November 18th. Yes, I will spend sometime in the hospital before and after the procedure...but I am so much more comfortable with EVERYTHING.
Thanks for your prayers and concern.
Good luck! I'll be praying for you..
I'm so glad you got the second opinion! Take care of yourself- I'm sure all will go smoothly.
OH Im so so happy you did, my heart feels better about the whole thing too.. xoxo
I feel better that you feel better. I will keep you in my prayers, and add your name to the temple prayer roll this week. We want to keep you in top blogging form for years and years and years to come!
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