I still remember this day like it was yesterday, all the friends and family members had put in their votes to where Kira would go on her mission... and she opened her call to serve.

Her Dad & I sent her flowers to celebrate that
"Argentina Was Lucky To Be Getting Her"
A few boxes of "treasures" that she has sent home, and a cot for extra company to sleep on.
Kira will be home next Wednesday!
So, I have opened the door to her room.
I think I am in denial that she is REALLY coming home!
I am going to start getting her room ready for her.
No cot... no dust... a vacuumed floor, clean sheets and bedding.
her room, her space and her new memories to fill it.

I am so glad that she will be home next week! The strain of living in a Kira-less world for the past 18 months has almost been more than I can bear. Thank goodness she didn't extend becuase I might have been forced to declare war on Argentina.
I can't believe she is going to be here sooo soon.
I really wish I could have made the magic work to be there.
Oh that's so exciting! I had two sisters who served and it was so great when they came home. Congrats to the whole family. I hope she gets home safely.
Yeaaaaaah...she's coming home! That's the best feeling in the world. Now that my Cassie is back home, my family is complete once again!
how exciting
I am so excited for you!! There is such a special bond between moms and daughters - my mom and I can't stand being apart for even one day, much less 18 months. I'm glad this period is over for you and you can have her all to yourself again.
WOO HOOO!! I bet you can't wait.
wow how wonderful it is that she'll be home soon. love your other posts too. just a few more days... yay!
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