Kira's countdown is full!! Oh my goodness...I think she is really going to come home soon! Sometimes it feels as if she has been gone forever, and then again like she just left! It puts butterflies in my stomach just thinking she will be here...talking to me...sharing hugs and laughs and memories! I can hardly wait!
From the countdown on your sidebar, it looks like she'll be home in 17 days! I can't wait to see all of the pictures and read all about her return. What a happy day that will be for your whole family!
oh it is so close. I sure wish I wasn't busy on the 7th...oh yeah and that I had a plane ticket laying around!
I know you have so much going on with plans for her return and for the wedding but just try to keep busy and the next two weeks will fly by instead of drag along...
Woo Whooo!!! I can't wait!!!!
Ha ha i bet you can't and i definitely will tell you when my games are!
I am soooo glad for you. I know I will have the hardest time when I can't see my kids on a daily basis...
YEEEESSSSSSS! We can't wait!
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