Friday, September 24, 2010


I was just reading my past few posts...
What a whiner!!!!
Sorry about that...
I would love to blame it on the meds or the trips to Utah or anyone but me...
I need to kick myself into an attitude adjustment.
Watch for it to come....


Connie said...

DO! NOT! FEEL! GUILTY! about having a little pity party...for heavens sake you had a heart transplant. You are a miracle to me and if you have a down day or two, so be it. You have been an inspiration to me.

Love the picture, I have on occasion looked just like that.

Bren's Life said...

Don't even feel guilty. We all have those days. And you totally deserve to have them of all ppl. Heck you have been through so much with your surgery & all that...
Hope your having a better day!

Cynthia said...

To quote my spouse "Who says you have to be happy all the time?" He said that when we were first married and I apologized for being in a bad mood.

Be real. Sometimes we feel bad. You are allowed. You've had a lot on your plate with good and bad things (and some which are both) this last year. It's okay!

Molly said...

I don't think you were being a whiner at all! You were a little concerned with what was going on in your life, but it was justifiable. I'm glad your rejection wasn't anything too major. And with my mom, I totally understand the ups and downs of having a heart transplant. It can be really scarey sometimes.