Saturday, September 25, 2010

Ñoquis,Gnocchi, No-Keys

I have said many times on my blog what an amazing cook Sergio is.

Last night for dinner he made Noquis or Gnocchis with Chicken and tomato sauce for dinner.
 Gnocchi's are made from potatoes or "papas" as Sergio calls them. and yea..I don't know what else. I should have stayed in the kitchen while he made the dough. He rolled them into a long rope and then cut 1 inch pieces off. Kira then used a fork and rolled them into their shape. Oh my was so good!
I wish I could post a recipe but...well he doesn't use recipes for anything.

 But, I did watch as he cooked in ready position...
We he was ready to cook them, they were added to slightly boiling water (with salt and bay leaves add).
 As they cooked they would come to the surface.
 When they had all surfaced they were removed
 and place directly on the plate that had your fresh tomato sauce.
Then another layer of sauce and your chicken
It was served with french bread

and it tasted Divine!


Lene said...


parkithere said...

oh my stars...would love to try that dish...tasty...

Molly said...

Ooooohh...YUMMY! I love gnocci. I've never had them homemade, though. I bet they were divine!