I think october is a great month to spend some time with yourself. i know many of us are already hyperventilating about the rush from All Hallow's Eve through New Year's Eve. this is the perfect opportunity to get yourself mentally, physically and spiritually prepared for the upcoming holiday *madness.*this month, we will consult our 100 lists. it's quite simple, really. on the 7th of the month (TOMORROW) post an spt about item #7 on your list. on the 14th of the month, post an spt about item #14. and so on. and so on.
Boy, I lucked out on my #7
Myself, Kira, 'Lene
As you can see I am older than 'lene by 7 years, I was in 1st grade and thought I was the luckest girl in the world. I had a little sister (after 3 brothers I was so ready for a sister)
I don't know if we have one serious picture together.
As you can see she is very pretty, dark hair and eyes. I have light hair (ok when it's not colored it is white) and green eyes
Oh yes and 'lene got the boobs...this is my picture of me trying to hold up to hers. As you can see...nothing there...
But, my kids are all potty trained!!!!
Do I feel like I am the luckest girl in the world to have her as my sis...Why yes I do. I would not trade her for anything. I love you 'lene
I didn't realize that Lene was your sis. I am putting all these faces together. It is great. That was so nice of you to tribute her. I can tell you adore her.
cute cute cute! i love that you have all silly photos with her and that age gap doesn't matter! i love that you got a sister to be silly with after all the brothers came! great post!
That is fun to look back and see the differences but I am sure there are similarities too, even being 7 years apart. It would be fun to have a sister.. it is only me and my older brother. Cherish the relationship you have for sure!
ha ha! i got the *jugs* in my family too. so many fun jokes about that. 'hey rebekah, where didya get those jugs?' har, har, har...
what a great #7!! now i'm going to have to make my way through your 100 list. good for you :)
What a fun post! I love "I don't know if we have one seious picture together." Sounds like a fun relationship to me.
You are such a crack up! I loved this post...and yes, my sisters got the boobs in my family too!
It looks like you and Lene have a great relationship. My sister has always been my best friend too. I couldn't imagine life without a sister.
How wonderful to have such a great sister relationship! Especially one where you can have all sorts of fun together.
cute! I just met Lene. never knew you were sisters!
I too am the odd man out in my family. The only one who is short, brown eyes and dark brown hair. But I did get the boobs! Ha!
What a fun comparison, I'm glad you've got that picture and shared it with the rest of us.
Yeah but with the boobs came the thighs.
I swear you always put the worst pictures of me on your blog. Sure I put one picture of you wiping your tears with a poise pad, but really.
This post made me miss my sister...and Kira. Shouldn't 18 months be over by now?
What a funn post - love that photo - it's so cute and sisterly!
Boobs aren't always all that great. They can be a burden when you have to buy your shirt one size bigger just so it will kinda fit. Not always a good thing...but little sisters are the best!
Very fun post, especially the "all my kids ar potty trained" part.
Look at all the comments you get! You are a rock star! Thanks for explaining what SPT stood for. I think I might have to join in on the fun. I know what it's like to be the boobless sister. I am also the Fat Sister. :) All my sisters - size three. I just recently went from a size 14 to a 10, and I'm thrilled. Don't think I'll ever make it to a three! :)
Sisters are the best! How wonderful that you are so close to yours.
P.S. I'm the one without boobs in my family too.
We have tons of grapes on the grapevine. Come get some. I don't know if I'll be canning this year. We are making it and putting it in the fridge. How can I give you a gallon? Are you in town tomorrow?
PS: I always wanted a flat chest. You are so lucky! Like I've told you before.....I think your sister is awesome! I miss seeing Kira's face in Burley.
You're so funny. What is it with sisters and boobs? That's such a funny comment because my 3 sisters and I always discuss those things too. One sister doesn't have enough another has too much. Too bad it doesn't just even out huh!
tell lene to be grateful for her matching curves, no boobs and plenty of thighs here.... great photo of you... love your mischevious smile!
It is great having sisters! I love your banter of boobs and thighs because I am a no boob girl and lots of thigh!
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