Tuesday, October 14, 2008


From Lelly's SPT
This weeks qustion is:
100 things about me, # 14 I knew I would marry my husband 4 months after we started dating.

July 17, 1981 ( 2 1/2 yrs. later)


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! Kira looks so much like you. Don't you think so?
Pop over to my blog....I tagged you!

Jan said...

What a beautiful picture. Gorgeous girl. I love the look of the layout too.

You must have had a real connection then. 4 mnths isn't that long.

parkithere said...

Oh my stars. Haven't seen this for years. You look great...
Thanks for sharing

Love the snow pictures and love even more that we are not there...

Pat and Glen headed back yesterday. So sad that they left. Sure enjoyed them here. Hopefully, we can get them back again during the winter months...

Anonymous said...

Your picture is breathtaking. I don't think I've ever used that word before, but it truely is!

Dang it, I forgot about SPT today.

Lene said...

You both look like babies.

I forgot how big those tree were in the backyard. You really did get married in a pretty spot.

Linda said...

What a gorgeous picture and such a gorgeous setting!

Hubby and I dated for 2 1/2 years too but got married the summer before you. Isn't it amazing how quickly the time has flown by!?!

I need to do SPT for this week...maybe tomorrow.

Chris said...

I love the picture.

I met my husband when I was 11, did not know I would marry him for many years. :-)

Mindy H. said...


Neighbor Jane Payne said...

What a fun, fun picture to see Janiece. I'm so glad you posted a "was" picture.

Dacia said...

What a beautiful picture and a great #14. That's wonderful that you "knew"!

Kar said...

I love that picture! How beautiful!! I'd love to hear the story of why it took you two-and-a-half years to finally tie the knot!!

Anonymous said...

Love the new design!! You look goregous! I knew as soon as I laid eyes on my hubby. I thin I got shot by Cupid!!

MaryRC said...

what a beautiful timeless shot. i knew instantly too. not sure what i knew but "i knew something was gonna happen with this one"

Katie A. said...

That is a gorgeous picture. And a beautiful #14! I dated my husband for 2 years before we got married too. The funny thing is, a few months into dating I remember having a talk about not letting the relationship get too serious. I clearly remember saying, "It's not like we're going to get married or anything." Ha!

mommy nurse said...

Great picture. I meet my husband in Dec, he asked me to marry him in Feb. I was shocked I said I don't even know if you have a dog and at that point I hadn't even met his parents? He said he would wait but he knew we would get married. And he we are 13 years later! I guess when you know, you know!

Unknown said...

what a great photo! congratulations on a wonderful relationship!