ME: " OH my gosh REALLY!!!
ME: "Oh, How does he look, is he doing ok"
SIL " He looks so much taller"
ME: REALLY...I wouldn't know I haven't seen any pictures of him in the last 8 months!
SIL: AND.... My family will be taking him and his companion to dinner on Saturday"
ME: That is so neat! Take a picture of him for me. Tell him I love him...blah.blah, blah all the mom stuff...
after I hung up...I just sat there...I wasn't sure if I was upset because she had seen him & talked to him or what...and then a wave of comfort...
She had seen him, and he was O.K.
Really, OK...
and then I thought...so I wonder if every time I called my brother if he went through those same feelings?
Guess, I need to call him and find out.
...When LDS Missionary's leave on their mission they only get to talk to their parents two times a year...Mother's Day and Christmas...
I am so glad that Heidi is close enough to keep an eye on him and help out if needs be.
That was a great conversation. I would be thinking that he was good and that is a relief.
Have you got your Christmas calls all planned out? YOu don't want them to cross over each other...
I am beyond thrilled for you that you have family that can look out for your son...it must be so comforting.
I bet your counting down until Christmas so that you can speak to your two missionaries! I'll be thinking about you all day!
How great is that? That is so neat that somebody can call and report to your every once in a while.
I'm so glad you got an update! I know it is hard to be away from family during the holidays...both as a missionary and as a missionary's family member. But mission christmases really are amazing, so I'm sure he is going great.
Merry Christmas, by the way. I hope everything is going well for you and your family!
I'll bet the best thing about Christmas this year is the phone call. It's the best. Mimi
PS sorry about the duck.
That little punk! No pictures, for eight months? :) Just kidding; he's not a punk. He's probably just incredibly focused, which is great.
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