Glad things were good. Scary when you don't know. I'm glad you had a good report card. Dick had his check up last month and things were good too. His arteries are still opened. We love you and take care cutie.
I'm so glad the appointment had a happy ending. I'm also very glad you are back behind your computer. The blog-o-sphere is a very sad place without you!
I am so glad you are ok. That doesn't look fun at all. Sorry I haven't been blogging to realize you had these tests done. The one looks like a baby or something.. I thought you were prego at first! It takes my computer a minute to show the writing. The pictures always come up first..
I am sooo glad that everything went well. And I am really glad that you didn't have to go into the cath lab.
BTW - you remind me of Ivan Drago on the treadmill (Rocky IV)
Wow looks like you were having a bunch of fun. It's so amazing what technology can do for a body these days. Glad everything went well. Mimi
I'm so glad everything went so well. Looks like you were having a lot of fun. :o)
So glad it went well. What a thiing you have to do. It looked exhausting. Hope you continue on the good road of heart recovery. Take care Janiece.
Boy have I missed you and have wondered what you've been up to I know! Thank goodness for the good report!
Glad things were good. Scary when you don't know. I'm glad you had a good report card. Dick had his check up last month and things were good too. His arteries are still opened. We love you and take care cutie.
I'm so glad the appointment had a happy ending. I'm also very glad you are back behind your computer. The blog-o-sphere is a very sad place without you!
I am so glad you are ok. That doesn't look fun at all. Sorry I haven't been blogging to realize you had these tests done.
The one looks like a baby or something.. I thought you were prego at first! It takes my computer a minute to show the writing. The pictures always come up first..
If anyone can look cute hooked up to all that stuff, in a t-shirt and jogging pants, it's you. :) I'm glad your heart is doing okay.
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