My son, Derek turned 20 years old today. He is my miracle child...unexpected baby, what ever you want to call him...that he is...
This picture was taken on his DUE date...he had just got to come home from the hospital he was 3 weeks old, almost 6 lbs and 18 inches long...Can you BELIEVE that hair!
It never fell out...just changed color...

17 yrs old is the next picture
Derek loved Drama... Here he is with one of his greatest heroes, Mr. Call the Drama Teacher, Director, Mentor, and Friend. Mr. Call never gave up on Derek or his ability to do more than worry about if he could write or read.
This is a self portrait that he took right before getting his haircut for his mission. I found it on my memory card...HOW COOL is He!
This is Derek & Josh the morning we were taking him to the Mission Training Center (MTC) in Provo. Still laughing and joking...he and Josh had the Denny's we were having breakfast in all smiling.
This was taken April 30, 2008. I miss him. Though it is hard to believe he has been on his mission for 7 months!
It was still kind of hard to have his birthday come and he not be here.

Somewhere in Bloomington, Indiana my son celebrated his b-day.
I hope he had an amazing day.
Happy Birthday to a great missionary son. So happy for this miracle boy or man now.
Your words touched me. Made me cry even. Thank you for sharing your wonderful son with us. Happy Birthday to him.
Happy Birthday to Derek! The pictures are toooo cute!
Happy Birthday to Derek! He was a handsome little fellow! Ok..he still is handsome, just all grown up.
Happy Birthday Derek! Derek is one of the neatest kids I've ever met. I have met so many students through the years and he is one of the few that always made Mrs. Call feel special. I don't think he ever passed by me when he didn't stop to chat or just say hello. He must have an amazing mom. Other students treat me as if I have something contagious. NOT DEREK!!!! We love him and miss him! I can't wait to go to his farewell and see him again.
Such a handsome son!! Happy Happy Birthday Derek!
your baby is 20!?! what the?!?
he was such a cutie, okay he kinda still is.
that self-portrait is a classic -- so derek.
derek would be so proud of ham. he doesn't like to wear shirts either.
What a cutie!
Mission birthdays are great...I'm sure those Indiana saints are taking good care of him :)
habby dirthbay Derek.
Missing you.
Tyhanks for being a part of our lives.
See ya soon
Your freid and felloe dyslexic
Mr Call
What a little sweetie! Nice job on the pictures Niece! Love ya!
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear Derek,
Happy Birthday to you!!!
What cute kids you have, Janiece!
what a cutie! i can't believe how dark his hair was, and then how light it got when he was just a little tyke!
I served a mission in the Indiana Indianapolis mission, too! (That was 15 years ago, though). I'm sure he's having a great time there--it's a wonderful place to share the gospel. He may be veeeerrry coooooold about now, though. ;)
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